Pilots of enola gay and bockscar

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John Coster-Mullen (21 December 1946 - 24 April 2021) was an American industrial photographer, truck driver and nuclear archaeologist who played an important role in creating a public record of the design of the first atomic bombs. The author has stated that all information contained in this book was obtained from open sources.

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Clear plastic front cover sheet Contents include Trinity, Beginnings, Little Boy, Hiroshima, Fat Man, Nagasaki, Appendices: Project Alberta Tinian Team Members, Assigned Aircraft, Special Bombing Missions to Japan, Hiroshima Mission Plans and Crews, Nagasaki Mission Planes and Crews, Operation CROSSROADS Plane and Crew, Little Boy and Fat Man Units, 1945 Timetable, Bomb Display Locations, Illustrations. Format is approximately 8.5 inches by 11 inches.

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